The Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Nifas Tentang Asi Colostrum Di Puskesmas Bataraguru Kecamatan Wolio Kota Baubau 2023
The Relationship Of Knowledge And Attitudes Of Particular Women Regarding Colostrum Breast Milk In The Bataraguru Health Center, Wolio District, Baubau City 2023
Keywords : colostrum, knowledge, attitude.Abstract
Introduction: Colostrum is breast milk produced from the first to the third day after the baby is born. Colostrum is the first milk produced by the mother's breasts in the form of a yellowish liquid or clear syrup which contains higher protein and less fat than mature milk. To find out the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of postpartum mothers regarding Colostrum breast milk at the Bataraguru Community Health Center, Baubau City in 2023. Method: This research uses an analytical research survey design. The population in this study is all postpartum mothers who are in the working area of the Bataraguru Community Health Center, the total sample is 33 people with accidental sampling technique using the Slovin formula, postpartum mothers research subjects with knowledge and attitudes, data collection methods namely primary and secondary data with data analysis consisting of data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. Results: consist of research results. Conclusion: From the Chi square test analysis, the P value obtained is (0.04) < α (0.05), so H1 is accepted. Where is there a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of postpartum mothers towards colostrum breast milk at the Bataraguru Community Health Center, Wolio District in 2023.
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