Hubungan Masa Kerja dan Stres Kerja dengan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Perawat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Modayag
The Correlation Between Work Period, Work Stress, And Work Productivity Toward Nurses In Puskesmas Modayag Community Health Center Area
Work Period, Work Stress, Work ProductivityAbstract
Background: There are several factors that affect work productivity between work periods and work stress. Productivity is one of the crucial indicators in assessing one's performance. One indicator of nursing success is the productivity of nurses in providing high-quality nursing care to clients and their families. According to the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Labor productivity in North Sulawesi in 2020 amounted to IDR 71.9 million/worker, which has decreased. Based on the initial survey, which used a questionnaire on 11 nurses, it was found that 5 nurses at the Puskesmas Modayag Community Health Center were underproductive. This study’s objective was to determine the correlation between work period, work stress, and work productivity in nurses in the working area of the said area.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to The Correlation Between Work Period, Work Stress, And Work Productivity Toward Nurses In Puskesmas Modayag Community Health Center Area.
Method: This quantitative research employed a descriptive-analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The study’s sample consisted of 34 respondents using total sampling. The data collection techniques comprised primary data from interviews with nurses, and secondary data obtained from the Puskesmas Modayag Community Health Center. Further, data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis, employing the chi-square test.
Results: It was discovered that there is no correlation between work period and work productivity (p-value = 0.276), and there is a relationship between work stress and work productivity (p-value = 0.010).
Conclusion: There is no correlation between work period and work productivity for nurses in the area, as mentioned earlier since some nurses have worked for a long time yet are nonetheless unproductive. Meanwhile, work stress can affect the nurse’s work productivity because the higher the stress a nurse experiences, the less good work productivity will be.
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