The Combination of Prenatal Yoga and Lavender Aromatherapy for Shortness of Breath during Pregnancy
Combination of Prenatal Yoga and Lavender Aromatherapy for Shortness of Breath during Pregnancy
Kata kunci : Prenatal yoga, lavender, sesak napasAbstract
60-70% of pregnant women experience shortness of breath during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. There is no therapy for shortness of breath in pregnant women if the underlying cause of shortness of breath is unknown, but it can be reduced by following prenatal yoga and using lavender aromatherapy, which can provide a sense of comfort, relaxation, calm, and happiness, including in pregnancy with complaints of shortness of breath. This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of prenatal yoga and lavender aromatherapy on shortness of breath in the third trimester of pregnancy in the working area of Puskesmas I Denpasar Timur. This research is a quasi-experimental with a pre-posttest design with a control group. The sample in this study was third trimester pregnant women, with complaints of shortness of breath, without medical abnormalities, and willing to be respondents. The sample consisted of 30 people, with 15 people each in the control group and treatment group. The control group was given education on how to reduce complaints of shortness of breath, while the treatment group followed prenatal yoga with a combination of lavender aromatherapy. Analysis using the Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney Test. The results of the analysis showed no significant difference (p value: 0.180) between the degree of shortness of breath before and after being given education to reduce complaints of shortness of breath in the control group. In the treatment group, there was a significant difference (p value: 0.001) between the degree of shortness of breath before and after being given a combination of prenatal yoga and lavender aromatherapy. This study proves that there is an effect of a combination of prenatal yoga and lavender aromatherapy on shortness of breath in third trimester pregnant women (p value: 0.000). Prenatal yoga and lavender aromatherapy can be one alternative in reducing complaints of shortness of breath in pregnant women. Further research should use a longer time span and use other discomfort variables in third trimester pregnant women so that they can know the effect on the welfare of pregnant women comprehensively.
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